Becoming Healthy
Resilience and Strength
Strengthen your immune system
The health of one's immune system is reflected in the vitality of our rhythmic system. An elastic rhythmic system can withstand external and foreign pressures. With a hardened rhythmic system the same external attack can cause our brittle immune system to fracture, opening the door for foreign energies, including sicknesses, to penetrate our overall system.
There are five specific eurythmy exercises that make the rhythmic system more resilient, and the immune system more resistant. They will strengthen your breathing and circulation, and make you more robust to external attacks. Practising them in advance will support you in getting through an infection, increasing your immune defences, allowing a healing fever, and getting your metabolic and digestive systems in balance.
The Resilience and Strength course package includes:
Daily practice consisting in two cycles, A and B, for 12 weeks
A collection C of longer run-throughs
Background information and recorded Q&A videos
Supportive daily emails to assist with your course run-through
Corona Recovery Support and Mandatory Vaccination Partner
In the The forum for participants you can exchange ideas with those who are traveling with you and read the contributions and experiences of previous participants. It is accessible once you have purchased the course package.
To view the lessons click A, B, C, or Background Information:
Intense and Powerful
Same exercise daily for a week
New exercise every week
Daily practice 10 - 15 min
Duration 5 weeks
Variation and Change
Different exercise every day
New variation every week
Daily practice 10 - 15 min
Duration 6 weeks
Tranquillity and Relaxation
6 full sequences
for individual training
Practice time 30 - 40 min
Background Information
About the exercises
Tips for Practice
25 videos
Partly freely accessible
We usually recommend starting with Cycle A, followed by Cycle B. This allows you to practice and deepen the exercises in different ways over several weeks. Depending on your preferences, needs and intuition, you can also choose another different order. And you can switch between cycles at any time.
See our prices
14-day unlimited return policy
Are you interested in a guided walkthrough over 6 or 12 weeks?
The tour costs 175 euros, reduced price 120 euros. Register and we will let you know as soon as there are enough interested parties: