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A Beautiful Day of Hiking

The five exercises that you will learn and that will become more and more impactful to you over time are, in their order, like experiencing a beautiful day of hiking. They touch all aspects of your day.

  • In the morning I have to think about whether the weather is good enough to go, where I'm going, who and what I'm taking with me: Yes and No Exercises
  • When I climb the mountain, I enjoy walking and seeing what moves and lives around me. But I also use the time to think, to take a break and sometimes to be just with myself: Sympathy and Antipathy Exercises
  • At the top of the mountain, I'm happy that I made it. I spread my arms to enjoy the vastness of the landscape in front of and below me. I make sure that I don't fall down out of sheer bliss! Love and E Exercises
  • During the relaxed descent and on the drive home, I experience a quiet peace and satisfaction, how everything in me reverberates and expands inwardly: Hope and U Exercises
  • In the evening and during my sleep I let go. The efforts of the day pass. The exhaustion and tiredness from all the movement are transformed into structure, freshness, and health for the next day: A-H and Reverence Exercises